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Educational Institutions in Israel Stamp

The “Lemel School” stamp shows a photograph of the School building. In May 1856 Dr. L. A. Frankel, representing a Mrs. Lift Hertz from Vienna, came to Jerusalem to establish a modern school dedicated to the memory of her father. There was great antagonism from religious Jewish groups at Jerusalem, but was supported by the Sephardic Jews. On the “Rishon Le-Ziyon” Hebrew kindergarten stamp is a photograph of the Zalman David Levontin Kindergarten, established in 1927 as a continuation of the original Kindgergarten opened in 1898, by the efforts of DAvid Yudelevich. Hebrew education for pre-schoolers stimulated and contributed significantly to the development of stories and songs in the Hevrew language, and in turn to the progress of the nation. The set of stamps was issued in May 2005. One only left.


Availability: 1 in stock

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