About Us
A group of young Christadelphians in Adelaide, South Australia came together in the 1930’s, determined to study the book, Elpis Israel. They met together in various homes around the city, becoming known as the “Elpis Israel Cottage Meetings.”
Brother H.P. (Perce) Mansfield was appointed editor of a newsletter, which was to contain articles from their studies, current event news and other matters of interest.
The “Elpis Israel newsletter” gathered momentum, and began to be distributed to people around Australia who wanted to discover the true message of the Bible, the hope of Israel.

A monthly magazine named Logos commenced in 1934, to cater for the growth in interest by the community of Bible students. Logos is a Greek word, which signifies the ‘inmost thoughts by which outward actions are directed.’
Brother H.P. Mansfield continued as editor, and under his guidance, the magazine expanded its distribution worldwide. The Logos magazine was first published in typewritten form, then blossoming into black print as the circulation increased, and then in later volumes, appeared in full colour.
The work of typesetting, printing and packaging these magazines monthly, was handled by a team of dedicated volunteers, who wanted to be involved in providing articles which revealed Bible truth.

Many articles in the magazines were part of a series, which were collated together, and books began to be published.
These range from commentaries on various books of the Bible, as well as in-depth studies on particularly topics or themes, and thought provoking and encouraging meditations.
For 54 years, Brother H.P. Mansfield provided a constant flow of articles and books, until his death in 1987, after which Brother Graeham Mansfield became editor.

Today, Logos Publications continues to publish its feature magazine, as well as a magazine named Good Company, aimed at children and teenagers.
The Good Company features an article on an amazing aspect of God’s Creation and the lessons we can learn, as well as activities and stories which teach Bible principles.
A wide library of books is also available, written by a number of Christadelphian authors, as well as a range of other reference and study guides, Bible marking tools and gifts.

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